What Is A Weed Hangover & Is It Real?

Being one of the oldest plants known to grow resiliently in diverse environments, it is only natural that cannabis has been used medicinally in many cultures around the world for centuries. But I just always had it. When people came over, we'd smoke my pot. If you feel fatigued when you smoke cannabis, then you will have to take a slightly different approach. All those symptoms can also be contributed to drinking alcohol if you smoked weed on the same night.

This shows not just the effects of cannabis usage, but the effects that a lack of proper sleep can have on your body. Smoking potent cannabis was linked to 24% of new psychosis cases analysed in a study by King's College London. This is quite worrying when you think about the number of people who are turning to the internet to find hangover cures after a long night of smoking.

I think I was so high I couldn't enter a deep sleep and just woke up feeling terrible instead of refreshed. On a few occasions, when I had a really stressful job on, I needed to sleep a few days in a row and was worried about it and ended up drinking a bottle of wine each night for about 3 or 4 nights.

Certainly many people use cannabis without adverse effects, and indeed with plenty of very pleasant ones. Similar to drinking alcohol, high doses of marijuana have been known to lead to a hangover. On neither occasion was I fall-on-the-floor drunk, maybe I had five drinks or so. Neither alcohol (in reasonable quantities) nor pot makes me sick on its own - I generally have a pretty strong stomach.

The bubbly euphoria, while short-lived, makes this a great nighttime strain if you're prepared to fall asleep soon. Unlike an alcohol-induced hangover, weed hangover aren't as bad as a night of heavy drinking, but can still be quite uncomfortable. A marijuana hangover is characterized by feelings of grogginess, haziness and lethargy.

What You Can Do About It: Naturally, the best way to remedy this hangover symptom is by getting lots of sleep — but if that's not an option for you due to work or social obligations, then all you can really do is try to treat your body well throughout the day.

So whether you're wondering if you've ever had a weed hangover, you think you have a weed hangover right now, or you're hoping to avoid one in the future, read on. Here are five symptoms of a weed hangover , and what you can do to make yourself feel better if you ever experience one.

And the THC sparked a range of what psychologists call anomalous experiences”: sounds seemed louder than usual and colours brighter; thoughts appeared to echo in the individuals' minds; and time seemed to be distorted. Some people do have withdrawal symptoms when stopping prolonged and heavy use of cannabis and this can adversely affect sleep.

As with alcohol, Buy Weed Online Canada though, which we all know tends to make you feel like a ton of bricks just fell on your head , the weed hangover is normally not nearly as severe, and the cause for this experience might not be from the origin that you expected. Weed hangovers are less common in people who smoke and more common in people using edibles or extracts.

If you've smoked too much weed before, then you know that the hangover from cannabis is actually quite bearable, and the symptoms subside effortlessly. Alcohol hangover symptoms include the notorious headache, upset stomach, and possibly aches and pains, plus who knows what else.

A few years ago, when I commonly consorted with hardcore potheads, I would routinely see people drink a twelve pack and then start taking huge bong hits. A weed hangover is a unique phenomenon that many cannabis smokers from around the world report as being a reality.

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